나의 플랫폼/안드로이드
[Android] Font Library
2016. 1. 7. 08:48
디폴트 폰트를 바꾸기에 좋은 Library가 있어 공유하고자 합니다.
1. main/assets 폴더 를 만든 후, 해당 폴더에 ttf나 otf 같은 폰트 파일을 복사 합니다.
Typekit is a library that help you quick change default font of your android application. You don't need to add any custom view or tag to your current xml layout file. You make a quick config in your application class and change the font that you need specific for a style.
Override this in your base activity
2. Activity에 아래 소스 추가
protected void attachBaseContext(Context newBase) {
and make the setup for fonts in your custom application class
3. Application에 아래 소스 추가
.addNormal(Typekit.createFromAsset(this, "Wedding Chardonnay.ttf"))
.addBold(Typekit.createFromAsset(this, "Double_Bubble_shadow.otf"))
.addItalic(Typekit.createFromAsset(this, "Double_Bubble_shadow_italic.otf"))
.addBoldItalic(Typekit.createFromAsset(this, "Double_Bubble_shadow_italic.otf"))
.addCustom1(Typekit.createFromAsset(this, "soopafre.ttf"))
.addCustom2(Typekit.createFromAsset(this, "Break It Down.ttf"));
Now the custom font is ready for any class which is subclass of TextView
dependencies {
compile 'com.tsengvn:Typekit:1.0.0'
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